CHILDREN (nursery through grade 6)

“Let the little children come to me and do not hinder them,for to such belongs the kingdom of heaven.” (Matthew 19:14)
From birth to high school graduation, it is our great joy at HFFBC to walk alongside parents and families in introducing children to Jesus, teaching them of His great love for them as told in the Bible, guiding them towards a true and personal encounter with Him, and empowering them to live their full lives wholly for Him. In short, we want all young people to know Jesus, to grow to be more like Jesus, and to go to serve and tell the world about Jesus. I look forward to journeying alongside each child as we find our unique and purposeful places together in the grandest Story of all-time – the Gospel Story of Jesus Christ, His victory over sin and death at the Cross and His Spirit’s presence in our everyday life in preparation for all eternity!
Nursery (0-2 years)

Carolyn O’Hara cohara@hffbc.org

*Each Sunday beginning the first Sunday after Labor Day
(no Sunday school during months of July and August)
*Age-specific Bible teaching and community for children.
Preschool (ages 2-5)
About: Our Preschool Sunday School program partners with families to teach children that God loves them, and to lay a foundation for them to trust Jesus Christ as their Savior. Our little ones see the love of Christ demonstrated in very tangible ways as they are cared for and loved by our dedicated preschool staff. In Sunday School, Old and New Testament Bible stories, activities, Bible memory, music and center play, give children a solid foundation to begin walking with God.
Contact: Carolyn O’Hara, Director of Children’s Ministries (cohara@hffbc.org)
Elementary (grades 1-6)
About: Welcome to HFFBC Elementary Sunday School! It is our desire to see all our school-aged and families come to know Jesus, grow to be more like Jesus, and to learn how to go and serve in His Name. Our teachers walk through a purposeful Bible curriculum and engage with students in a personal and loving way, helping to connect the ancient story of the Bible to their lives today. With interactive crafts, hands-on learning, and theologically-rich content, in each class it’s our joy to uniquely walk alongside students and partner with parents in these spiritually-foundational and formative school years.
Contact: Carolyn O’Hara, Director of Children’s Ministries (cohara@hffbc.org)
6:30 – 8:00pm
Each Wednesday beginning the first Wednesday after Labor Day
PLUGGED IN for Grades 5

Meet in the Chapel @ 6:30p for a time of worship and fellowship. Then we will gather downstairs in L5 for Bible time, games, crafts, service, and fun!
Contact Mike Metallo at msmetallo@gmail.ccom
Protecting and caring for your children is of utmost importance to us at HFFBC. To learn more about the measures we take at HFFBC to care and protect your children, please click the blue button below.

Learn more about faith “MILESTONES” here at HFFBC